The Daily Dog

A Diary about Dogs

Daily Dog 3

What I have Learned After Adopting a Dog

  1. You need to take care of yourself. Taking good care of yourself means you can take better care of your pup. For example, you exercise regularly so that you can take your dog on long walks so that they get their much needed exercise as well.
  2. Forgive and forget. Your dog doesn’t stay mad at you if you accidentally step on their paw. They’ll still be happy the next time you come home. Being angry at someone is a waste of energy.
  3. Live in the moment. Notice how peaceful your dog is when they are laying in the yard? This is because they aren’t thinking about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. The only thing that matters is what the air is smelling like, what sounds are nearby, who or what is passing by.
  4. The sun is not scary. Without the sun, there would be no life. The sun provides warmth and energy. Being in the sun can boost your mood and provide for a healthier lifestyle. This is why all dogs love to lay in the sun, whether it be outside or inside.
  5. Enjoy life. It’s not that serious. If you like to just stand there with a squeaky ball in your mouth squeaking it, then do it. If you like to spend the weekends staying in and drinking coffee, then do it. Do things that you enjoy without caring what others think because one day you won’t be able to.